5 Things We Get Wrong About Depression

5 Things We Get Wrong About Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world, affecting millions of people. In this article, we look at five things that we get wrong about depression, and offer ways to help people suffering from this debilitating illness.

It’s estimated that one in four people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives. For some, it’s a temporary state of mind, but for others, it’s a long-term condition that can last for years. Depression affects everyone differently, but it often leaves the sufferer feeling sad and hopeless. It can make you feel tired, unmotivated and unable to concentrate. You may also have trouble sleeping, and your appetite may decrease.

Depression is a brain disorder that can lead to changes in your mood and behaviour, but it’s not a sign of weakness. People with depression often feel overwhelmed by thoughts about themselves or the world around them.

There are many misconceptions surrounding depression, and if you’re one of the millions of people affected by it, you might have been led to believe some of these incorrect ideas. From “depression is a chemical imbalance” to “people with depression doesn’t care about others,” here are five things that we get wrong about depression, and how to help those struggling with it.

1. You need to take medication

Depression is a serious medical condition and you need to consult your doctor. Medicines are also a solution but you should consult a doctor before taking any medicine. You can also try the home remedies and natural methods to get rid of the depression.

2. It's not a normal part of life

There's no doubt that the loss of a loved one is traumatic. There's also no doubt that the loss of a loved one can trigger a depressive episode. The trouble is that some people who suffer from depression are often misdiagnosed, or even don't receive a diagnosis at all.

3. It's all in your head

Depression is also sometimes confused with other psychological conditions such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. For example, someone with a chronic health condition such as heart disease or diabetes might feel depressed. And a person who suffers from severe trauma or abuse might also feel depressed.

4. There's no cure

While there are some medications that can treat depression, many people find that the best treatments involve therapy and self-care.

5. It's always going to be with you

When a person suffers from depression, he or she still needs to do all the things that help people feel better. The difference is that when a person suffers from depression, he or she might not be able to feel happy, or at least not very happy. So if a person is depressed, he or she has to focus on the positive, make friends, exercise, and seek professional help from a mental health specialist in Bhopal.

Here are some of the common symptoms of depression:

  • Feeling sad, low or empty
  • Having little interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Losing your sense of humor
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling tired or worn out
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Being angry or aggressive towards yourself or others
  • Not being able to control your temper
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Having suicidal thoughts

Symptoms of depression may vary depending on the person, and some people may experience none of the symptoms listed here.

When to seek help

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it’s important to seek help.

Even if the symptoms of depression are mild, it’s still an illness. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it’s important to speak to a doctor.