Objectives of National Mental Health Programme

Objectives of National Mental Health Programme

When it comes to the health of our body, no one wants to miss anything, whether it is a physical, mental or emotional well being. There are many people who have different health problems because they are not aware of their health issues.

Health is one of the basic needs of a person and one can never be able to get complete health without proper care. As the time has changed, health services have also improved a lot.

The National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) was launched by the Government of India in 1982 with the objective of providing a framework for a comprehensive and integrated approach to mental health care in the country. The programme is designed to address the public health needs of persons with mental illnesses, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.

The NMHP has four main components:

Integrated care – a continuum of services, starting from prevention through early intervention to treatment and recovery.

Integrated services – a package of services that are delivered in the community and at the primary level. These services include psychoeducation, assessment and diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

Training of health care providers – a national certification course for general practitioners, specialists and Para-professionals, and a course for non-medical professionals, such as social workers, psychosocial counsellors and traditional healers.

Research and evaluation – a coordinated, multi-spectral, multi-disciplinary, participatory, integrated and quality-oriented programme of research and evaluation that aims to strengthen the evidence base for mental health, and to ensure its use in policy, planning and service delivery.

It is the first time that the government of India has taken this initiative to make mental health a part of the mainstream health care.

About the programme

The National Mental Health Programme is based on the principles of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) international classifications of diseases and disorders. The WHO classifications are:

International Classification of Diseases (ICD): is a standard diagnostic classification for all medical problems that is published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM): is a standard classification of mental disorders that is published by the American Psychiatric Association.

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): is a standard classification system that is used to describe and explain a person’s health and disability in a biopsychosocial context.

Final Words:

In conclusion, the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Health to provide mental health services across the country. The programme seeks to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, promote mental health awareness, and create a community where mental health is valued. It is a step towards the goal of ensuring that all children are protected from abuse and neglect and that all people with mental illnesses have access to quality care.